Step-by-Step Guide to Bathroom Cleaning

Stepping into the bathroom should only bring comfort because that’s the place where you go for a relaxing bath. Interruption by too many elements and extreme dust can disturb your everyday experience with showers. It is crucial to realize that bathroom curtains, tiles and other surfaces have to be cleaned thoroughly. You wouldn’t want to invest a hefty amount of money later just because you did not clean it well today! So, here’s the guide to bathroom cleaning in easy steps.

Step 1: Remove Bathroom Items

Before beginning with the cleaning process, remove everything that belongs here. It includes all your bathroom essentials, toiletries and other products.

Step 2: Dust it Thoroughly 

The next step is to take the broom and remove all cobwebs or dust particles from the nooks and corners of the bathroom. Collect the hair and dirt in one corner which you can later clean through vacuum.

Step 3: Descale Shower Head

It is believed that shower heads can contain germs affecting your health. The simplest trick is to put vinegar into a bag and tie the bag on the shower head for a few hours.

Step 4: Clean Mirrors

Mirrors are definitely important as they offer a great sense of positivity. You might see faded spots or dirt collected on the corners. Spray a bathroom cleaning solution to ensure glass finish. 

Step 5: Wash all Clothing

If your bathroom has shower curtains, linens or mats, straightaway put them into the washing machine for a quick wash. Make sure to add fabric softener for a healing aroma. 

Step 6: Time for the Floor and Walls

Bathroom floor is the most important aspect that elevates or decreases the comfort here. If your tiles are all white and you can see rusted lines in between, you need to go for a grout repair in Auckland. Grout attracts maximum dust and you might simply not be aware about its effect. Hence, rather than doing it all by yourself, take professional help and get rid of bacteria.

After the grout is thoroughly cleaned, you can go for floor cleaning. Ensure that you use the right products to prevent moisture after every cleaning. You can use an all-cleaning solution with warm water for the floor cleaning.

Step 7: Clean Bathroom Countertops

Know that all the dirt is to settle on the countertops after you do the cleaning. So, it is important to clean the countertops with a microfiber cloth. You may also use a disinfecting spray to get the work done.

Step 8: Time for the Sink

Sink is known to collect maximum bacteria and this is why you need to pay extreme attention to it. Not you but guests might be touching the same tap after using the toilet and that’s gross! So, use disinfectant wipes for the faucets. For the rest of the sink, you may use an all cleaning solution or mix white vinegar with baking soda.

After doing it all, check for any other buildup in the bathroom area. Make sure to clean the cleaning tools after every use for a healthy and safe environment.


Step-by-Step Guide to Bathroom Cleaning

Stepping into the bathroom should only bring comfort because that's the place where you go for a relaxing bath. Interruption by too many elements and extreme dust can disturb your...

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